Monday, September 14, 2009

Ramping up production....

My daughter is back in school and it's back to work. The kilns have been firing regularly and my creative juices are flowing! I will have lots of new offerings in my shop very soon.

I have been experimenting with recycled bottles, so be on the lookout for some really cool cheese boards, appetizer serving trays, and spoon rests. I've got some firing right now. No pictures yet, but stay tuned.

Recently, I have also been developing my own laundry soap. Trying to go green, save some money, and stop putting all that commercial filler junk in my septic system! Yuck!! You know the filler from the commercial detergents is one of the main causes of septic system problems? No thanks! I have had several of my friends and neighbors testing my new products over the last 3 weeks now. I should be getting those results very soon. Once those are in, I can make any final tweaks to the formula, and we are off and running. I am hoping to have my laundry soap available for sale before the beginning of October, or even sooner. I will also have samples available at a discounted price for you to try if you are a little commitment shy. :o) So far everyone who has tried it, LOVES it. Smells fresh, no fabric softener needed, and your clothes come out so soft and clean. Many of my testers have family members with sensitive skin, excema or other skin issues and all of them have had no problems with my new laundry soap! Better yet, the price will be a fraction of the top selling commercial products, it cleans just as good if not better than the top commercial products, and it completely dissolves in cold water so you can save on your power bill, too. I am very excited about these preliminary test results and can't wait for you all to try it, too!

I better get back to work. I'll post some new updates soon. Thanks for checking in!


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